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Impressum/Legal information

Oberdorfstr. 18-22
78054 Villingen-Schwenningen
Tel. 0 77 20 / 393-0
Fax 0 77 20 / 393-184


Managing Directors:
Stefan Beetz

Registered Office in 78054 Villingen-Schwenningen / Germany
Registry Court Freiburg im Breisgau HRB 600260 / Germany
VAT number: DE211242988

ISGUS Vertriebs GmbH
Oberdorfstr. 18-22
78054 Villingen-Schwenningen
Tel. 0 77 20 / 393-0
Fax 0 77 20 / 393-184


Managing Directors:
Stefan Beetz

Registered Office in 78054 Villingen-Schwenningen / Germany
Registry Court Freiburg im Breisgau HRB 602446 / Germany
VAT number: DE203500195

Our pages contain links to external internet pages, on whose contents and updates ISGUS has no influence. We dissociate from all external contents, and images even if links to these external pages have been placed by ISGUS.

Use of cookies/Google Analytics:
This website is using Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. („Google“). Google Analytics is based on „cookies“, i.e., text files which are saved on your PC to enable analysis of the use of your website. The information generated by the cookies (including your IP address) is transferred to and saved on a Google server located in the US. Google is using this information to evaluate the use of your website in order to create reports related to website activities and to provide further Internet services. Google may eventually transfer this information to third parties, as far as required by law or if required for further processing by third parties on behalf of Google. Google will under no circumstances associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. You may also prevent the installation of cookies via particular settings in your browser software; however we wish to point out that this would impede usage of all functionalities of this website. By using this website, you agree to the processing of the collected data by Google in the way described above and for the above mentioned purpose.
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All contents of this website, including design and programming are protected (Copyright law). All rights reserved, all information without liability, Subject to modifications. Texts and images published may not be used without expressed prior consent. We assume no liability for links to third party websites.
Liability for links
By court decision dated 12th of September 1999 - 312 O 85/99 ­ 'Liability for links' ­ , the Regional Court of Hamburg decided that eventually providers can also be held responsible for the contents of linked pages. In the view of the court this can be avoided by explicitely dissociating from these contents. We herewith explicitly dissociate from all contents of linked pages or graphics and do not adopt any of these contents. All offences against law, consisting conventtion and moral becoming known to us, will cause cancellation of links, entries, graphics, etc.